14 Must-Have Stroller Accessories (Plus Shop By Brand for Nuna, BOB, UPPAbaby, Mockingbird and more!)

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From beach days to camping trips under the stars, it’s important to have a stroller that’ll keep you and your kiddos comfortable—no matter the adventure. The first part of that is choosing a stroller with all the functionality your family needs. The second part is making sure your stroller has all the bells and whistles that will make your life easier.

To help, our gear experts have compiled our favorite baby stroller add-ons and accessories that’ll help make your life—and your next adventure—a lot easier. We list the top stroller accessories to prepare you for any kind of weather - from rain or snow, hot or cold. Next, we share our favorite stroller accessories for convenience - like cup holders and stroller hooks, these accessories make your stroller into a multi-purpose vehicle. We wrap up with a list of accessories by brand for the top brands like BOB, UPPAbaby, Bugaboo, Nuna and more, as each brand has their own spin. 

Top Stroller Accessories for Every Kind of Weather

1. For Sun: Sunshade Extension or Parasol

One of the most important things to keep in mind when taking a baby out into the heat is sun protection. Unless using an umbrella stroller, most strollers have a canopy to help with this. But if you live in a particularly sunny or hot climate, your little one is sensitive to the sun, or you just want more protection, a sunshade is a must-have.

For extra protection, we recommend getting a sunshade extension or sunshade. These will protect your little one’s entire body from the sun, so you don’t have to worry about sunburns as you enjoy a nice walk outside. There are also certain sunshades you can buy - like Doona’s - that stretch over the front of the stroller so your little one’s body is protected. You can also get a sunshade for your car window to keep the sun out.

Some brands, like Stokke, Mima, and Babyzen, sell parasols rather than sunshades for added protection. Just like you’re probably envisioning, these parasols are mini umbrellas that attach to the stroller.

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2. For Rain and Snow: Rain Cover or Weather Shield

There's nothing like a fresh spring shower...unless you're caught in it. While we don't mind a little seasonal sprinkling, having your baby and stroller soaked isn't ideal. That's why the stroller rain cover or rain shield was invented. 

This clear plastic cover drapes over the canopy and covers the majority of your stroller, protecting your little one entirely. The best part: these can fold up into a pouch to be kept in the storage basket below or clipped onto the handlebar. Just make sure the rain shield you get fits your stroller. You can do this by purchasing a rain shield from your stroller manufacturer (like the UPPAbaby Vista Rain Shield or the UPPAbaby Bassinet Rain Shield) or by purchasing a generic or universal weather shield.

Our Wingmoms are fans of the Manito weather shields - they are heavy duty, full coverage, and fit most single strollers with a canopy measuring between 15" - 19".

Shop all Rain Covers and Weather Shields

3. For Cold Weather: Footmuffs and Handmuffs

Our Chief Revenue Officer, Allison Khurana, lives in Boston and swears by the handmuffs and footmuffs she had for her twins (in her Baby Jogger City Select): “Rather than freezing my hands while pushing the stroller or dealing with keeping track of gloves and mittens, I used handmuffs. These kept my hands far warmer than any mittens I’ve ever owned, and I just kept them attached to my stroller to avoid misplacing them. A Footmuff - I had the 7 A.M. Enfant one - is like a portable sleeping bag for baby, and lets you pop your little ones into the stroller without bundling them up too much. A huge time saver, plus my kids were happy as clams in them!”

Our GoodBuy Gear Guru and VP of Business Development Megan Larsen shares, "Little known fact: most footmuffs are universal! Even a Bugaboo footmuff, for example, works on any stroller - not just Bugaboo. Look for a footmuff with cutouts for a 5-point harness, because that tells you they'll work everywhere. And of course, any footmuff works in a carrycot or bassinet-style stroller." 

Shop All Footmuffs and Handmuffs

4. For Bug Bite Season: Mosquito Net or Insect Cover

If you live in or frequently visit a state with a high population of mosquitos - we see you, southern US! - mosquito nets can save you the anxiety and headaches of a little one with a mosquito bite. We also like mosquito nets for vacation - especially camping trips.

Shop All Mosquito Nets and Insect Covers

5. For Heat Waves: Battery-Powered Stroller Fan

For hot summer months, a battery-powered stroller fan can help your little one stay cool when strolling.

Shop All Stroller Fans


Top Stroller Accessories for Convenience

1. Snack Tray 

Feeding a hungry toddler makes everyone's life better. If you find yourself reaching for your bag of cheerios and then watching your little one spill them everywhere, you may need a snack tray. Snack trays are great for holding your toddler’s snacks while you’re on the go. It will also give them a place to rest food between bites, instead of spilling or cramming it into the seat of the stroller. 

The Orbit Snack Tray is one of our favorites because it comes with a lid. That means not only does your little one have access to all their goodies, but they won't spill out if you hit a pothole. This tray is compatible with the Orbit Baby G2, G3, and G5 Strollers. Most stroller models have snack tray options, just make sure to look for versions that can be removed and are easy to wipe clean.

Shop All Snack Trays

2. Ride-Along Board

If your toddler wants to walk with you or they have siblings or friends joining in on the fun, consider getting a ride-along board to make these trips easier. Also called a PiggyBack when buying for the UPPAbaby brand, this handy attachment allows kiddos to stand and hold onto the handles as the stroller is pushed. Babyzen has a unique spin on the riding board, treating it more as a strider bike. It's a lighter weight, less expensive, and more maneuverable alternative to lugging around a double stroller.

Shop All Ride-Along Boards

3. Stroller Organizer, Parent Organizer, or Stroller Caddy

Add some organization to not only your life, but your stroller too with a handy stroller caddy. Stroller caddies are a great place to hold snacks, toys, keys, phones and anything else you may need on your trip. Many brands make their own, but there are plenty of universal stroller organizers on the market as well.

Shop All Stroller Organizers

4. Stroller Hooks 

Who doesn't need more ways to carry things around? A stroller hook just does that—it’s basically a giant carabiner that clips onto the handle of your stroller and allows you to layer on bags. With one of these, you can take baby out for a summer shopping trip or frolic around the farmers market knowing all your new goodies can be carted home. Just make sure the shopping bags aren’t heavier than baby, or else the stroller might tip over when you let go.

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5. Cup Holder

As parents of little ones, we do not like to be without our beverages. Whether it is our water bottle, our coffee, tea, or iced matcha latte - we want it within easy access when strolling. As with other accessories, there are brand specific stroller cup holders and universal cup holders. If you have one stroller or want to keep your cup holder attached at all times, we’d recommend the brand specific models as they’re typically the sturdiest and best fitting. But if you have a few strollers and want to be able to change out your cup holder, Universal models work well.

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6. Car Seat Adapter

A car seat adapter isn’t the most fun accessory, but its super useful and we’ve found parent's don’t always know it exists! A car seat adapter lets you put your infant car seat in your stroller, by removing the bassinet and replacing it withe infant car seat. You don’t need a car seat adapter if you have a travel system. Not sure if you need a car seat adapter? We’ve got you covered with this brand-by-brand review of stroller and car seat compatibility.

Shop All Car Seat Adapters

7. Stroller Travel Bag

Stroller travel bags can work for car, train, or plane trips. They are designed to both protect your stroller and make it easier to travel with. The Gate Check bag is a close cousin: less structured so won’t protect the structural integrity of the piece of gear, but will protect from stains, scratches and dirt.

Shop All Stroller and Car Seat Travel Bags

8. Stroller Seat Liner

Stroller seat liners protect the stroller seat, keep your little one’s mess somewhat contained, and - maybe best of all - make the seat just a bit softer and comfier for your little one. Seat liners are easy to remove and pop in the wash, making them ideal if you have a little one snacking in the stroller (who doesn’t?).

Shop All Seat Liners 

9. Phone holder

A stroller phone holder is similar to a desk phone holder, keeping your phone upright and facing you. A stroller phone holder is especially ideal if you want to play music or a podcast for yourself and your little one while strolling, because it allows you to use phone audio while only you can see and manipulate the phone screen. We’ve all had enough photos sent by our toddlers to random phone contacts to know how useful that is!

Shop All Phone Holders

Top Stroller Accessories by Brand

Nuna Stroller Accessories

Mockingbird Stroller Accessories

Baby Jogger Stroller Accessories

BOB Stroller Accessories

UPPAbaby Stroller Accessories

Bugaboo Stroller Accessories

Doona Stroller Accessories

Veer Wagon Accessories


Shop All Stroller Accessories 


However you like to roll, consider adding on a few of the items above to make your trips easier. From stroller caddies and hooks to snack trays and sun protection, we’ve got everything you need to make the next adventure with your family the best one yet. 



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