UPPAbaby Ridge vs. BOB: Jogging Stroller Comparison

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The UPPAbaby Vista has long been one of the most popular strollers for new parents, but until just a few years ago, the brand didn’t have a jogging stroller. So parents turned to other brands like BOB for all-terrain strollers.

Then, in Fall 2021, UPPAbaby changed the game by introducing its own model to the mix. And, the UPPAbaby Ridge was born.

So what’s the deal: Is UPPAbaby’s all-terrain option as high quality as tried-and-true joggers like BOB? Our gear experts tested and reviewed the UPPAbaby Ridge vs. BOB Alterrain Pro, assessing each one’s size, functionality, added features and overall value to help you choose the right one for your active family.

Main Difference Between the UPPAbaby Ridge and BOB Alterrain 

The main difference between the UPPAbaby Ridge and the BOB Alterrain is the overall construction. Both strollers are suitable jogging strollers, but the UPPAbaby Ridge is slightly smaller and lighter, making it a bit more portable. The BOB Alterrain, on the other hand, has more durable tires and superior suspension that allow it to tackle rougher terrain and still provide a smooth ride.

UPPAbaby Ridge: Pros and Cons 

  • Retail Price: $599.99
  • Amazon Price: $599.99
  • Avg. GoodBuy Gear Price: $400
  • Avg. Seller Payout: $362
  • Age Range/Weight Limit: 3 months to 55 pounds (walking from birth with bassinet; jogging when baby can hold their head up unassisted)
  • Dimensions (unfolded): 38.5 x 26 x 36.5 inches
  • Dimensions (folded): 18.5 x 26 x 36.5 inches
  • Stroller Weight: 29.2 pounds

Best for: Active families who want to jog or do light trail walking, but need more portability than your average jogging stroller provides

Introduced in Fall 2021, the UPPAbaby Ridge is the brand’s one and only jogging stroller. Like other strollers UPPAbaby manufactures, the single stroller (fits just one child) has a sleek design (available in three colors) that’s a bit lighter and smaller than your average jogging stroller—a great bonus for families who want to be able to fit their stroller in the car.

The UPPAbaby Ridge can also be used sooner than other joggers, because it’s compatible with the brand’s bassinet, the UPPAbaby Mesa infant car seat, or other compatible car seats like Nuna, Maxi-Cosi and Cybex. (Just note: You can’t run or jog with your little one until their pediatrician agrees they can hold their head up unassisted.) You can even add an older sibling to the mix, since the jogger is compatible with the brand’s piggyback riding board, too. Unfortunately, though, the Ridge can only be used until your kiddo hits 55 pounds.

During its usable life, you and your little one will enjoy a smooth ride—especially on pavement—thanks to 12- and 16-inch never-flat tires. The stroller has two brake systems for safety, too. You’ll find one parking brake that locks the stroller into place, as well as a handbrake dial that allows you to come to a smoother stop.

And although the handlebars can only be adjusted to four positions, our gear experts love the sophistication of the child seat. The fabric is ventilated for improved breathability, plus reclines to a more comfortable upright position even at the lowest position.


  • Slightly smaller and lighter
  • Durable never-flat tires
  • Brake system offers exceptional control
  • Compatible with bassinet and piggyback board
  • Seat is more sophisticated and comfortable
  • Clip-on water bottle holder included with purchase


  • Tires don’t handle rough terrain as well
  • Fewer compatible infant car seats

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BOB Alterrain Pro: Pros and Cons 

  • Retail Price: $699.99
  • Amazon Price: $699.99
  • Avg. GoodBuy Gear Price: $410
  • Avg. Seller Payout: $402
  • Age Range/Weight Limit: Up to 75 pounds or 44 inches, whichever comes first (walking from 8 weeks; running/off-road from 8 months)
  • Dimensions (unfolded): 46 x 25.5 x 48 inches
  • Dimensions (folded): 39.3 x 25.5 x 16 inches
  • Stroller Weight: 32.3 lbs

Best for: Active families who do more rugged, off-road activities like light trail running

The BOB Alterrain Pro may be one of the brand’s newer and more affordable jogging strollers, but the single stroller (available in three colors) is still packed with features like a five-point safety harness, a UPF50+ canopy, multiple storage pockets and an oversized cargo basket.

Perhaps its biggest claim to fame, though? This model’s air-filled tires can tackle impressive terrain, including grass, gravel, trails and more. You’ll be ready for any family adventure for many years to come, too. You can use this stroller with your kiddo from 8 weeks all the way until they reach 75 pounds or 44 inches, whichever comes first—milestones that won’t happen until about 5 years old. (Just note: You can only use this stroller for walking until your baby is 8 months old, at which point you can begin to run.)

The jogger may be bulkier and heavier than the UPPAbaby Ridge, but its measurements are in line with many other popular all-terrain strollers on the market. And despite its size, it’s relatively easy to contend with, thanks to a one-step, one-handed fold. Our gear experts love the adjustable handlebars, too. You can set them anywhere from 31 to 48 inches—higher than almost any other stroller on the market.


  • High 75-pound weight capacity
  • Tires and suspension system expertly handle rough terrain
  • Compatible with more infant car seats
  • Highly adjustable handlebar


  • Larger and heavier
  • Bulkier when folded
  • More expensive

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UPPAbaby Ridge vs. BOB Alterrain: Comparison Chart 

UPPAbaby Ridge 

BOB Alterrain Pro

Retail Price 



Avg. GoodBuy Gear Price 



Stroller Weight 

29.2 lbs 

32.3 lbs 

Dimensions (Folded) 

36.5 x 26 x 18.5 inches

39.3 x 25.5 x 16 inches

Dimensions (Unfolded) 

36.5 x 26 x 38.5 inches

46 x 25.5 x 48 inches

Age/Weight Recommendations

3 months to 55 pounds 

Up to 75 pounds or 44-inches 


One handed, stands when folded 

One hand, one step, quick fold 

Number  of Children It Fits 

Adjustable Handlebar 

Tire Size 

12 inches (front); 16 inches (back) 

Foam-filled tires 

12 inches (front); 16 inches (back)

Air-filled tires 

Handlebar Height


31 - 48 inches

Piggyback Add-on 



Bassinet Compatible



Price Comparison 

The UPPAbaby Ridge costs $599.99 brand new—$100 less than the BOB Alterrain Pro, which retails for $699.99. While both strollers are relatively pricey, you can score a great deal on either one by shopping for a gently-used model at secondhand retailers like GoodBuy Gear.

Winner: UPPAbaby Ridge

Weight Comparison

At 29.2 pounds, the UPPAbaby Ridge weighs 3.1 pounds less than the BOB Alterrain Pro, which clocks in at 32.2 pounds. Both strollers are heavier than most standard strollers because of their larger, all-terrain wheels, but the lighter option is better for parents concerned about portability. 

Winner: UPPAbaby Ridge

Size Comparison 

As you might expect based on the brand’s sleek (and ultra-popular) Vista stroller, the UPPAbaby Ridge is a few inches smaller than the BOB Alterrain Pro, especially when folded. It’s worth noting, though: Like all joggers, both strollers are on the bulkier side when both folded and unfolded. This is largely due to the bigger all-terrain wheels, but can make the strollers difficult to stash in the trunk or a storage closet.

Winner: UPPAbaby Ridge

Age/Weight Range Comparison 

The UPPAbaby Ridge can be used sooner than the BOB Alterrain Pro, since it can be used from birth with the bassinet attached. With the BOB Alterrain Pro, you’ll have to wait a little longer, but because you can use it as soon as 8 weeks and until your kiddo hits 75 pounds, the BOB ultimately has a longer usable lifespan. (Your little one will hit the weight capacity on the UPPAbaby at just 55 pounds.)

Winner: BOB Alterrain Pro

Travel Comparison 

Because the UPPAbaby Ridge folds more compactly, it’s ultimately a bit easier to take on both day trips and longer road trips with—especially if you have a smaller car. However, if you frequently travel by plane, you may prefer the BOB Alterrain Pro, since you can buy a compatible travel bag. (UPPAbaby doesn’t manufacture a travel bag for the Ridge.)

Winner: Tie

Added Features 

Both the UPPAbaby Ridge and the BOB Alterrain Pro are high-quality strollers with plenty of added features, including a five-point safety harness, large UPF 50+ sun canopies, roomy storage baskets and more. It’s hard to call a true winner, though, because both strollers have a few things the other doesn’t. For example, the BOB Alterrain Pro has reflective wheels for added safety in low visibility (great for parents who jog in the early morning or evening hours), while the UPPAbaby has more sophisticated ventilated seat fabric (perfect for families in warm weather climates).

Winner: Tie

Seat Recline 

Both the UPPAbaby Ridge and BOB Alterrain Pro have deep, comfortable reclining seats that move up and down via webbing straps, but our gear experts say they prefer the seat recline on the UPPAbaby. At the lowest position, it sits just a bit higher than the BOB, which makes it look and feel a little like a standard stroller seat. In my experience, the seat on the BOB is a little more like a fabric sling.

Winner: UPPAbaby Ridge


The UPPAbaby Ridge jogging stroller has four-position handlebars, but parents have much more flexibility with the BOB Alterrain Pro. It adjusts between 31 and 48 inches—great for the comfort of both short and tall parents and caregivers.

Winner: BOB Alterrain Pro


Both strollers fold quickly and easily with one hand in a single step. The Ridge and the Alterrain Pro both stand upright when folded and not in use, too.

Winner: Tie


Car Seat Compatibility 

The BOB Alterrain Pro is compatible with Britax, Chicco, Peg Perego and Graco infant car seats (with adapters, sold separately). This provides slightly more flexibility than the UPPAbaby Ridge, which is compatible with the brand’s own MESA car seat, as well as Nuna, Maxi-Cosi, and Cybex infant car seats.

Winner: BOB Alterrain Pro

BOB vs. UPPAbaby Jogging Stroller: Which is Better For You? 

The UPPAbaby Ridge may take the win in more individual categories than the BOB Alterrain Pro, but choosing the right jogging stroller for your family is more complicated than that.

At the end of the day, these are two of the best jogging strollers out there—especially if overall value is important to you. Both models offer a smooth ride, a comfortable seat for your little one and added features like adjustable handlebars and large storage baskets for parent comfort.

To narrow it down and ultimately choose between the UPPAbaby Ridge vs. BOB Alterrain Pro, consider your lifestyle. Are you an outdoor enthusiast who regularly hits all kinds of terrain, including trails and unpaved roads, with your family in tow? If so, you’ll probably be happier with the BOB, since it has more durable air-filled tires and a sophisticated, patented suspension system. However, if you’re looking for something a little more heavy-duty than your average travel system, but place a lot of importance on portability, you might want to opt for the slightly smaller and lighter UPPAbaby Ridge.



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